Test Environment

After adjusting the environment.properties it is now time to consider the use of testEnvironment.json.

The format of this file follows the current structure:

"local-environment": {
    "Service_1": "http://localhost:63001",
    "Service_2": "http://localhost:63002"

Where key (for example: local-environment) is the reference to the environment where the variables Service_1 and Service_2 will be used.

In /build/environment/environment.properties set the key TestEnvironment to correspond to the environment against which you want to run the tests. In this case, we would have:


When initialising the test runner, the value of the key corresponding to the parameter ‘TestEnvironment’ will be converted into stored data. So, in the above case, two data stores will be created:

  • Service_1 containing value “http://localhost:63001”
  • Service_2 containing value “http://localhost:63002”

This means that you can then use these stored data within the Feature steps such as:

Given I open website "{Service_1}" or Then url contains string "{Service_2}"

Environment properties

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