Extending steps

We encourage the extension of existing capabilities! To create a BDD step that fits your particular business needs is easy.

On the test > java folder create a file named at your convenience, for example MySteps.java. Create a class just like the example below:

public class Steps {


In IntelliJ is possible to generate a step template automatically with few key strokes:

  • On the feature file write the sentence that will represent the step, for example And I create an entry named "Jane Doe".
  • The sentence will be highlighted as the step is not implemented
  • On the keyboard do option + enter with the cursor on the undefined sentence
  • Select create step definition on the dropdown
  • Select the above file created MySteps.java and a template of the step will be automatically generated in that file

To implement the step template in another editor is simply to add to the class created above

public class Steps {

  @And("I create an entry named {string}")
  public void iCreateAnEntryNamed(String arg0) {
      // implementation logic here


Each steps starts with Given, When, Then, And or But.

"I create an entry named {string}" is the plain text sentence to be used when describing the behaviour on the feature file.

The iCreateAnEntryNamed is the method associated that implements the desired logic and {string} is a placeholder for an argument that is passed to the method.

We highly recommend you to read the Step definitions article from cucumber.io itself.

BDD, Cucumber & Gherkin
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