Run tests

You have put great effort developing your set of automated tests and now is the moment to let them work their magic.

We highly recommend you to read the following guide on tags for organising and running a specific subset of scenarios.

To run the tests simply execute at the project root mvn test. This will run all the tests available. It is possible to run the tests with more control over the options.

Some examples:

  • mvn clean test "-Dcucumber.options=--tags @DEV" -DBrowserType=chrome -DIsRemoteInstance=false cleans previous results and runs only the test scenarios annotated with the @DEV tag on a chrome browser, locally.

  • mvn test "-Dcucumber.options=--tags @smoke @perf" -DBrowserType=firefox -DTestEnvironment=my-env runs the test scenarios annotated with @smoke and @perf on a firefox browser using the my-env parameters that are set on the testEnvironment.json file

  • mvn test "-Dcucumber.options=--tags @Regression" -DSeleniumHubUrl=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub -DIsRemoteInstance=true run the tests scenarios annotated with @Regression on a remote Selenium Grid that is running on localhost:4444

The parameters -D<Parameter>= being passed on the command line are overriding the existing configuration set on the file.

For IntelliJ users

Simply with the right click to run your feature files or right clicking over a scenario to just run that specific one. This runs the tests with the setup described in

Extending steps
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