Environment properties

The environment.properties file found in build > environment is the configuration starter point. If the file is named environment.properties.example please rename it to environment.properties otherwise there may be some problems when running the tests. You can specify in this file the desired setup to run your automated test suite.

  • SeleniumHubUrl points to the URL where the Selenium Grid is running on
  • WebDriverTimeout
  • WebDriverDelayMS
  • IsSingleInstance when set to true runs without a browser teardown in between the test scenarios of a feature file
  • IsRemoteInstance when set to false runs the tests on the local machine; setting it to true will attempt to run in a Selenium Grid specified on the SeleniumHubUrl
  • BrowserType can be set to the browsers we currently support
  • BrowserWidth is the width of the browser window
  • BrowserHeight is the height of the browser window
  • RecordSeleniumBrowserLogs
  • RecordSeleniumDriverLogs
  • RecordSeleniumServerLogs
  • RecordSeleniumPerformanceLogs
  • RecordSeleniumClientLogs
  • RecordScreenshots
  • BrowsermobProxy when set to true captures the traffic to be analysed using using Browsermob
  • TestEnvironment points to the key-value structure specified on the testEnvironment.json file. This is useful when running against different test environments such as staging or in a CI server.

Please leave as is the properties for WebAppUrl, TestServer, TestProject, UseTestServer, WebAppUser and WebAppPass. We will deprecate such properties from the open source project soon.

An example:


With the above example, the tests will be running locally, since the property IsRemoteInstance is set to false. The browser where tests will be running would be chrome with no teardown of browser sessions in between the tests, with IsSingleInstance set to true. The context of variables for the test run will be using the env-local structure stated in testEnvironment.json file.

Editor Configuration
Test Environment